There are various types of coin in cryptocurrency. One of them is a coin with no activity and it also has a fairly low volatility, and therefore is considered to have no value by most investors. That coin is called shitcoin.
Shitcoin Definition
A shitcoin is a crypto asset with low market capitalization, but it has a large supply of tokens in the crypto market, so the price will be far cheaper than a crypto asset with large capitalization such as Bitcoin.
Just like MSG, a cheap seasoning from Indonesia, this shitcoin costs only a few dollars, say 0,00000001 dollars, and thus are considered to have zero or no value.
This coin is typically used to refer to a crypto asset that has no discernible purpose or newly launched asset. When in fact, a crypto asset should have clear visions and missions in order for the investors to take notice, not just giving a big profit.
Pros and Cons of Shitcoin
There are pros and cons of shitcoin, such as:
Low price selling;
Easily sold in the community;