Investing and pursuing education in school or college are pretty much the same. That is because you need to keep on learning; to understand the stock market in general, the development of the companies whose stocks you own or the ones that you want to invest in, and any external policy that can affect the stock movements. As an investor, one thing that you might face is when an issuer issues a stock split. What is a stock split, and what do you need to know? Find out the answer in this article! Stock Split Definition Stock split is a corporate issuer’s (or company which trades its stocks in the stock exchange) action to increase the number of its outstanding stocks in the market. This action, which is mostly implemented by blue chip stocks, is done by dividing a share of stock with the ratio agreed by the company’s board of directors. For example, you have 1 lot (100 stocks) of issuer A’s stocks at Rp20.000 per stock. If that issuer issues a stock split with 1:2 ratio, the number of shares of stocks upon that issuer will be 2 lots (200 stocks), but, the price per stock will be Rp10.000. If it is calculated, the total valu
Jadi investor itu nggak ada bedanya dengan sekolah atau kuliah. Soalnya, kamu perlu terus belajar; baik memahami pasar saham secara umum, perkembangan perusahaan saham pegangan maupun incaranmu, sampai kebijakan-kebijakan eksternal yang bisa mempengaruhi pergerakan saham. Nah, salah satu hal yang mungkin akan kamu temui saat jadi investor adalah emiten yang akan stock split. Apa, sih, yang dimaksud dengan istilah ini dan apa saja hal yang mesti kamu ketahui? Yuk, cari tahu jawabannya dalam kelanjutan artikel ini! Pengertian Stock Split Stock split atau pemecahan saham adalah aksi korporasi emiten (atau perusahaan yang memperdagangkan surat berharganya pada bursa efek) untuk memperbanyak jumlah saham yang beredar di pasar. Tindakan yang umum diimplementasikan oleh emiten saham blue chip ini dilakukan dengan membagi satu lembar saham me
Price volatility is often used to gain extra profit in investing crypto assets because it can predict investment opportunities or risks. But believe it or not, you can profit not only from volatility, but also from staking crypto. Definition of Staking Crypto Staking crypto refers to locking up a portion of crypto coins in the digital wallet for a period of time to generate passive income. Staking is typically done in Proof of Stake (PoS) method. This method allows investors to mine crypto coins based on the total amount of coins owned. The more coins you lock up, the higher the offers. By staking crypto, investors can have diversified income in the form of digital assets for it bears interests or rewards on the locked coins . The staking rewards vary based on the protocols, however, some use a block-by-block method. Basically, here are a number of factors to consider when calculating crypto staking rewards:
Volatilitas harga kerap dimanfaatkan untuk memperoleh keuntungan tambahan saat investasi aset kripto karena dapat membantu memperkirakan peluang maupun risiko yang muncul selama berinvestasi. Padahal, tidak hanya volatilitas, keuntungan juga bisa didapat dengan cara melakukan staking crypto. Pengertian Staking Crypto Staking crypto merupakan proses penguncian koin kripto di dompet digital (wallet) dengan jangka waktu tertentu demi mendapatkan passive income. Biasanya, proses pengunciannya memanfaatkan metode Proof of Stake (PoS). Di mana, metodenya sendiri memungkinkan investor menambang koin kriptonya berdasarkan pada jumlah koin yang dimiliki. Semakin banyak koinnya, maka semakin tinggi pula penawaran ya
Investing in stocks can be challenging. You need not only accuracy and precision, but also the will to learn new things about stocks you want to buy. By doing so, you are able to gain more profit. You can gain more profit even as a beginner investor. How? Choose a trusted broker reported that currently there are a lot of investment platforms which give attractive passive income to their potential investors. No matter how attractive the offer is, you must choose a platform from a trusted broker. Make sure that the broker you choose is registered in OJK (Financial Services Authority) and BEI (Indonesia Stock Exchange). Do analysis Before making any investment, analyze the stocks. There are two types of stock analysis: 1. Fundamental Analysis Fundamental analysis is a method which is frequently used to speculate things that drive stock prices such as microeconomic & macroeconomic factors, market analysis, potential industries, business competition level, and financial performance. There are several indicators in
Melakukan investasi saham memang cukup menantang. Selain membutuhkan kecermatan dan ketelitian, investasi saham juga membutuhkan semangat untuk terus mempelajari hal-hal baru terkait saham yang akan dibeli. Dengan begitu, kamu tentu bisa mendapatkan keuntungan yang lebih besar pada saat investasi saham. Meski masih berstatus sebagai investor pemula, kamu tetap bisa kok mendapatkan banyak keuntungan. Caranya? Pilih sekuritas yang terpercaya Melansir dari, saat ini, platform investasi saham memang sudah banyak bermunculan dan memberikan passive income yang menggiurkan pada calon investornya. Meski menggiurkan, tapi kamu tetap harus memilih platform dari perusahaan sekuritas yang terpercaya. Pastikan perusahaan yang kamu pilih terdaftar di OJK (Otoritas Jasa Keuangan) dan BEI (Bursa Efek Indonesia). Lakukan analisis Sebelum melakukan investasi saham, lakukan analisis terlebih dahulu. Analisisnya sendiri terbagi menjadi dua bagian, yakni: 1. Analisis Fundamental Analisis fundamental merupakan metode pengukuran yang sering digunakan untuk mempert
Investing in crypto is basically the same as investing in stocks. As the investment profit you will earn is from market price change or price variance when you buy and sell stocks. Hence before making any investment, you need to know how to predict crypto prices to ensure you have a smooth and excellent investment journey. Dow Theory in Technical Analysis in Predicting Crypto Prices When referring to crypto price analysis, Dow Theory is likely to be mentioned as this theory is considered to be the background and foundation in doing technical analysis. But, what is Dow Theory? Dow Theory was proposed by Charles Henry Dow, a reporter and an editor of the Wall Street Journal, as well as the founder of Dow Jones Company. This theory was not officially released prior to his death in 1902, but his partners eventually published and introduced the theory to the public. To this day, this theory is still considered the foundation of technical analysis. Basically, Dow Theory states that trend on prices is greatly affected by every possible known factor in the market, be it of the past, present or future. Media coverage on crypto assets is one of the factors, thus all existing news, recent news, or rumors surrounding the assets may influence market price.
Melakukan investasi dengan trading crypto pada dasarnya memiliki prinsip yang mirip dengan trading saham. Sebab keuntungan investasi didapatkan dari perubahan harga pasar atau selisih harga saat kamu melakukan transaksi jual-beli. tulah mengapa jika kamu berencana untuk melakukan investasi ini, kamu harus paham dulu bagaimana cara memprediksi harga crypto agar investasimu bisa berjalan lancar dan optimal. Dow Theory untuk Analisa Teknis saat Memprediksi Harga Crypto Ketika berbicara soal analisa harga crypto, maka kita pasti akan membahas tentang Dow Theory karena teori ini bisa dikatakan sebagai latar belakang dan dasar dalam melakukan analisa teknis. Namun, apa sih sebenarnya Dow Theory ini? Dow Theory pertama kali dicetuskan oleh
Warren Buffett is a well-known figure in the investment sector. Yes, this figure, who is one of the five richest people in the world, is one of the most successful investors who uses fundamental analysis method. What is actually fundamental analysis? Let’s take a deeper look at it before you start investing! What is Fundamental Analysis? Fundamental analysis is a method of measuring a security’s intrinsic value by examining related economic and financial factors. Based on Investopedia, normally, fundamental analysts study from macroeconomic to microeconomic factors to see if a company’s stocks are correctly valued within the market. To put it simply, fundamental analysis is a method of determining a stock’s real fair market value from an economic perspective. So, if a stock’s fair market value is lower than its market price, Warren Buffett, as well as other fundamental analysts, will buy or increase the ownership share. What to Analyze Considering this method is based on economics, to do fundamental analysis, anything related to the economic and financial factors must be taken into account. Investopedia
Warren Buffet adalah satu nama tersohor dalam dunia investasi. Yap, sosok yang kini menduduki posisi orang terkaya kelima di dunia ini merupakan salah satu investor tersukses dengan metode analisis fundamental. Apa, sih, yang dimaksud dengan analisis fundamental itu? yuk, simak ulasan lengkapnya sebelum kamu terjun jadi investor! Apa Itu Analisis Fundamental? Analisis fundamental adalah metode pengukuran nilai intrinsik instrumen keuangan menggunakan faktor-faktor ekonomi dan keuangan terkait. Dikutip dari laman Investopedia, analis fundamental biasanya akan mempelajari faktor ekonomi makro hingga faktor mikro untuk menentukan apakah harga saham sebuah perusahaan sudah sesuai dengan harga yang diperdagangkan atau belum. Sederhananya, analisis fundamental adalah cara menentukan kewajaran harga sebuah saham pada bursa dari sudut pandang ilmu ekonomi. Jadi, jika harga wajar sebuah saham masih berada di bawah harga pasar, Warren Buffet serta analis fundamental lainnya akan membeli atau memperbanyak kepemilikan saham tersebut. Hal-hal yang Perlu Dianalisis Mengingat metode ini didasarkan pada ilmu ekonomi, tentu hal-hal yang perlu diperhatikan saat melakukan analisis fundamental adalah segala hal yang berhubung
For you who is planning to make a long term investment in global stock, you must be familiar with the term dividend. For this dividend will be the profits from the investment you make. But what is a dividend? Here is what you need to know! Definition of Dividend and Global Stock Dividend Yield Global stock dividend has a similar meaning to stock dividend in general, which is the distribution of a company’s profits to shareholders based on the number of shares they own. Meaning, the more shares you own, the higher your dividends will be. The dividend yield is the percentage of dividend distributions paid per share in a certain year with a nominal value per share. Because it is calculated based on current price per share, the dividend yield may fluctuate. This dividend yield can also be used as a basis to measure a company’s financial health. For details, here are the illustrations: If Company A paid out $1 in dividends and its shares cost $40, the percentage of its dividend yield would be (1/40) = 2,5%. If Company B paid out $2 in dividends and its shares cost $40, the percentage